Confession time. I’m kind of a control freak when it comes to planning my trips. I dream about “going with the flow” but, in reality, I find it stressful to not know what to do. Or have a couple of good dinner spots in my back pocket. So I plan.

Like a lot.

For a 1 or 2 week trip, I want accommodations booked, a couple of activities planned, and a few places to eat saved to Google. I don’t follow this guide to a tee though. If I wake up one morning with a cold (aka Portugal), I cancel my surfing lesson and take it easy by the beach instead. If someone I meet tells me I must try a certain restaurant, I give it a shot. But I hate not having fallbacks. If I’m not sure where to head to for dinner, I pull out my guide and boom – I know where to go.

Trip planning is my jam.

And so know you can benefit from all this obsessiveness. Below you can find my travel guides. I’ll be updating them over time and adding new destinations as I go.